Public Participation & Meetings

Efforts made on Houghton Road Corridor have included extensive public outreach, and the consideration of hundreds of public comments, to help shape the design of the corridor.

Citizen Design Review Committees (CDRC), comprised of neighborhood representatives, were assembled by each of the Houghton Road area City of Tucson Ward offices – Ward 2 CDRC and Ward 4 CDRC.




To date, over 60 formal meetings have been held. These include general public meetings, CDRC meetings and individual stakeholder meetings. Over 50,000 meeting notifications have been mailed out and hundreds of public comments have been collected and considered in the design of the corridor.


Thank You for Your Input!


  • Skip the four-lane interim section and go directly to six lanes

  • Consideration for future public-transit carpool/Park & Ride lots and bus pullouts

  • Rearrangement of the median openings between Golf Links and Escalante Roads to address concerns at Austin Point Drive

  • A frontage road for five homes on the west side of Houghton Road north of 5th Street

  • Rubberized asphalt used for noise mitigation

  • Bicycle lanes included

  • Drainage improvements, including culverts constructed at dip crossings and a storm drain system added along the proposed curbed roadway section from Speedway Boulevard to 22nd Street

  • Florida-T signalization added at Poorman and Drexel Roads to facilitate access and comply with corridor signalization spacing requirements

  • Directional median openings added additional access to local business McGraw’s Cantina, Boulderfield Drive for the Highland Trails neighborhood and Forest Glen

  • Reconfiguration of the circulation at Secrist Middle School to improve safety and reduce neighborhood cut-through traffic; this includes a signalized pedestrian, high-intensity activated crosswalk (HAWK) crossing, modified parking and new bus and private-vehicle circulation

  • Realignment of the entrance to the Tucson Fire Department station and the design of an emergency signal at Seven Generations Way

  • Revision of the drainage design concept at Poorman Road to avoid ponding at the southeast corner of the intersection

  • A median opening added at Desert Willow neighborhood

  • Modified access at Civano Nursery

  • Full access at Camino Quince in the form of directional medians at Camino Quince and Kensington Drive, just south of Camino Quince

  • Preservation of existing vegetation along Civano neighborhood