Broadway Boulevard to 22nd Street


This portion of Houghton Road was designed and constructed in two segments, starting with the Houghton Road intersection with Broadway Boulevard and subsequently moving into roadway improvements extending south through the 22nd Street intersection. This approach provided for more efficient and cost effective completion of the improvements.

The design process took approximately 24 months and was completed in March 2015. It included three public meetings and 13 meetings of the Ward 2 Citizen Design Review Committee as well as numerous project updates distributed via email to more than 500 interested parties.

Construction began in spring 2013 with the Houghton Road and Broadway Boulevard intersection and Sun Tran Park & Ride lot.  Houghton Road from Broadway Boulevard to 22nd Street began construction in early 2015 as the intersection work was concluding. Construction was completed within budget and on schedule in September 2016.

The improvements are consistent with those on other segments of Houghton Road, plus construction of the Sun Tran Park & Ride lot on the northwest corner of the Broadway intersection. The public art component included art panel meetings, a presentation to Ward 2 CDRC and interested parties, and displays at two public meetings. For more information, go to the Art page.

Thank you to the project team that contributed to the success of the project:

M.J. Dillard, City of Tucson Project Manager

Joe Vaskovic, Parsons Brinckerhoff Project Design Manager

Andy North, Borderland Construction Project Manager

Lauri Slenning, Ben Olmstead, Simon Donovan, Public Artists